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ARRIYADH ROASTERY | Al-Thalatheen Street

ARRIYADH ROASTERY | Al-Thalatheen Street

Regular price 5.500 KD
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Sugar Cane Decaf, Special process that preserves all the notes of Apple, Hazelnuts and Honey.


Country: Colombia

Farm: El Camino

Region: Popayan

Notes: Apple, Hazelnuts, Honey and Milk Chocolate

Varietal: Caturra

Process: Sugar Cane Decaf

Roast: Medium

The Story:

Produced by Cofinet,

Popayan is located in the department of Cauca at 1,700 m.a.s.l. This region's topography is perfect to grow exceptional coffee! The so-called Meseta de Popayan is sheltered by the Andes mountain range which helps generate homogeneous climatic and altitudinal characteristics. The result is a balanced cup profile with Apple and Honey notes.

Sugar cane process EA When the coffee is received it is first submitted to a condition of water and steam. This elevates the moisture contained and swells the bean in order to facilitate the extraction of caffeine. It is at this point that the bean experiences an E.A. wash, which dissolves the caffeine. The beans are then cleaned with water, followed by steam, to clean the inner most portions of the bean. Finally, the beans are dried until reaching the moisture similar to which they had prior to the process.

Suggested Recipe:


Coffee Dose In: 20gr

Water: 300ml

Blooming: 35gr x 30”

Time: 2:35”

Temp: 92 C

Steps: after blooming, 3 pours 88.3 ml each, total 300ml


Coffee Dose In: 18gr

Out: 36ml

Time: 35”

Temp: 93 C


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ARRIYADH ROASTERY | Al-Thalatheen Street
ARRIYADH ROASTERY | Al-Thalatheen Street
ARRIYADH ROASTERY | Al-Thalatheen Street
5.500 KD/ea
0.000 KD
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